Who are we?
We are a federal association of doctoral researchers. Our executive council is democratically elected by the local doctoral representations. Currently, 33 German doctoral representations are part of our federal association. This allows us to build a democratic network of over 103.000 doctoral researchers all over Germany.
Can you partake in the Federal association?
Yes you can. By joining one of our working groups or be a volunteer for one of our different offices. Feel free to write an email to kontakt@promovierende.de.
What do we do for doctoral researchers?
We are influencing politics on the federal level and thus bring the currently often overseen interest of doctoral researchers into the political discussion.
Who are we supporting?
We have the goal to fight for better working conditions of early career scientists with a high focus on doctoral candidates. We are directly supporting local representations of doctoral researchers by providing a network and a federal structure with contact to the political landscape.
What do supporting memberships offer us and the supporter?
We are thankful for every person that would like or already is supporting us financially. Even as a non-profit organisation we have expanses. But because we do not ask our members for a membership fee, we are dependent on our supporting members. Those can be universities, privat people or other institutions willing to assist our work. The supporting member can be sure that we are helping doctoral researchers in Germany in their way to a thesis.