Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Interview campus.leben about the new doctoral council at FU Berlin

    Interview campus.leben about the new doctoral council at FU Berlin

    16.04.2024 – This May the „Freie Universität Berlin“ is going to elect a doctoral council for a first time. This is a great development. In this context our very own Benita Schmitz (second spokesperson) was invited by campus.leben to discuss together with Markus Edler, the managing director of the Dahlem Research School of the “Freien…

  • Interview campus.leben zur neuen Promovierendenvertretung der FU Berlin

    Interview campus.leben zur neuen Promovierendenvertretung der FU Berlin

    16.04.2024 – Die Freie Universität Berlin wird im Mai diesen Jahres das erste Mal eine Promovierendenvertretung wählen. Dies ist eine grandiose Entwicklung. Aus diesem Grund hat sich unsere Co-Vorsitzende Benita Schmitz zusammen mit Markus Edler, Geschäftsführer der Dahlem Research School der Freien Universität Berlin, in einem Interview von campus.leben über die Chancen und Gestaltung der…

  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    12.02.2024 – February 11th was designated as the „International Day of Women and Girls in Science“ by UNESCO on December 22th 2015. Worldwide, still only one in three people in science is a woman (see UNESCO Science Report, 2021). This means that women are still significantly underrepresented in science – and this is often particularly…

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